Is Gutenberg ready for prime time?

This one is for WordPress nerds, so be warned…

Short answer: NO!

I run several WordPress sites, and they have all updated themselves to use the new editor (Gutenberg) that came with Version 5. Gutenberg looks to me to be a work in progress, and has been, in my experience, flaky. It suffers from that bane of modern tech, namely the desire to make everything so simple for the novice that expert users are frustrated in the inability to do all the things they used to. I saw just the same with Windows 10.

If you run a simple site with few plugins, I imagine it is fine, but if you like to customise the WordPress experience with various plugins, it can be frustrating. My own two chief bugbears are the fact that Jetpack still isn’t fully integrated (despite being developed by Automattic who run which is the major host for non-self-hosted WordPress), and I can’t add an existing map shortcode for Mappress in the front end rather than code view.

Added to which, a recent attempt to edit a gallery of images wouldn’t let me re-order them, but kept prompting me to add more from my existing media, which didn’t work anyway. At which point, I gave in and installed the Classic Editor instead. All back to normal and working as expected. Result!

A happy bunny