Today there was an amazing cloud formation in the sky that drew much attention, but I was equally entranced by patterns on the beach – my first venture on the sand for some days. I enjoy the landscape at large, but also like to find little details to…
Tag: Jurassic Coast
It’s almost the end of a very strange and confining year. I usually get about the Southwest a bit, but have spent most of this year very close to home. So, my online advent calendar for my friends and followers this year is firmly local – views east…
Since SARS-CoV-2 struck, we’ve tended to do our almost-daily walks first thing in the morning. At the start, this was out of necessity as we were instructed to abhor any human contact during exercise, and fewer people went out before breakfast. But over the months it’s become a…
Today I went in search of Lyme history on Monmouth Beach, west of the town. We tend to think of Lyme Regis as being primarily a tourist town, but like most coastal settlements, it had a number of industries in the past – fishing of course – but…
… to take a lyric from the song popularised by many artists, though I usually think of Tony Bennet’s version. We try to walk down in Lyme Regis every morning before breakfast (a practice that may come to an end once the winter weather sets in) – something…
Taken as I did my daily walk before tackling the weekly shop in Seaton, “limpid” was the word that immediately sprang to mind as I gazed at the calm blue sea. The sea is often clearer here than at Lyme as there is less sediment from the cliffs,…
After months of cold, wet and gloom, today was the first warm sunny day of the year. Combined with a spring low tide, this was the perfect opportunity for a seaside walk. I’ve visited Seaton many times, but never at such a low tide, which revealed a wave-cut…
Despite the dodgy weather forecast today, a trip to Dancing Ledge on the Isle of Purbeck was a welcome respite to being inside looking at the interminable rain we’ve had till very recently – the older I get, the more depressing I find gloomy weather! After a sprinkling…