Number 4 in an occasional series: 1 was staplers, 2 was caravans, and 3 was office chairs. Some while ago, I got an Epic Fireworks catalogue through the post – why they think a 2-man company would mount a £2,000 display is beyond me, but it furnished me…
Tag: names of things
Number 3 in an occasional series: 1 was staplers, and 2 was caravans. I was amused to see in the latest fURNITURE@work catalogue™ that office chairs obviously have very high opinions of themselves – well, some at least. In the lead, we have some very noble cities: Torino, Rome, Milano, Quebec, Athlone,…
Part II in an occasional series on the names of things, inspired by Gary Larson. Part I: Staplers A few weeks ago, I spent a lot of time in traffic jams on the M6, and to pass the time, collected some names of caravans. Since then, I have added…