Foxgloves at Holyford Woods

Holyford Woods is a local nature reserve, near Seaton. In early summer 2007, it had acres and acres of massed foxgloves (Digitalis purpurea) that had sprung up after a large area of woodland was clear-felled – a quite remarkable sight. Even more surprising to think that all the seeds had been lying dormant in the soil for 40-50 years, just waiting for their day in the sun.

I took many close-up and general shots – but this one best sums up, for me, the amazing pinkness of the experience!


At the end of my visit early one morning, my mind’s eye was full of magenta daydreams that were difficult to shake off. I felt rather like the dormouse in A A Milne’s poem, The Dormouse and the Doctor:

“The Dormouse lay happy, his eyes were so tight
He could see no chrysanthemums, yellow or white.
And all that he felt at the back of his head
Were delphiniums (blue) and geraniums (red).”

More about Holyford Woods on the EDDC web site.